
Voices of Child Participation

Meet Jakob, a Slovenian member of the Eurochild Children's Council and part of the Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth, a Eurochild member, with which he is active at national level.

Being a curious child, while still in primary school, Jakob joined the Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth Children’s Parliament programme which aims to educate children about democracy and active citizenship by encouraging them to actively participate in society and learning about their rights. Such an experience allowed him to develop his self-confidence and fueled his desire for curiosity about the world. Following this, he also became a member of a regional and national children's Parliament in Slovenia and participated in radio broadcasts for children and young people on national radio.

In addition to his successful participation to the Children's Parliament in Slovenia, in 2023 Jakob became a member of the 'Committee for Children and Family' which works on the basis of the Family Code and is chaired by the Slovenian Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. In December, Jakob also took part in a charitable quiz on national television that he also won.

At the international level, Jakob participated in the conferences of the CP4Europe project in Slovenia and in Strasbourg. While in Brussels as part of the Eurochild Children's Council, he had the opportunity to meet with Dr. Milan Brglez, Slovenian Member of the European Parliament. Jakob is an example of good practice of the successful participation of children at national and European level.

Hear it from Jakob:

"Ever since I became more involved in the topic of children's rights, I have been advocating that children should participate in decision-making and in the adoption of important documents on topics that concern them. The fact that I became the representative of children in the Committee at the ministry seems to me extraordinary and a big step towards the above mentioned goal. As I have emphasized several times, opportunities for participation in various projects just open themselves. In the future I want that my actions - as well as my peers' actions - are seen and heard! In December I took part in a quiz on national television and that was a completely new experience. Once you are in front of the camera and when you feel the adrenaline, everything becomes more real. It really was a good and interesting event that not many people get chance to experience it.

Call to all children and young people: be yourself, dare and be visible!"

For further information contact Petra Zega, Programme Assistant at the Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth.

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