
Bulgaria - Country Profile 2022 on children in need

Eurochild recently published a new report, (In)visible children, on the situation of children in need across Europe. Read feedback from our members on the European Semester, on EU funding, and on the development of the Child Guarantee National Action Plans and further analysis on child poverty and social exclusion

In our latest report, (In)visible Children - Eurochild 2022 report on children in need across Europe, together with our members we urge governments and decision-makers to support the most vulnerable children and prevent widening inequalities.

Children in Bulgaria, especially those in disadvantaged and/or in vulnerable situations, were disproportionately affected by the Covid-19 measures. For this reason, Eurochild members from Bulgaria state that this situation requires specific research focused on the effects of Covid-19 on children, including how inequalities were exacerbated, and how these can be overcome.

When it comes to funding priorities, Eurochild members, National Network for Children, Bulgaria (NNC), Hope and Homes for Children – Bulgaria (HHC – Bulgaria) and the Know-how Centre for Alternative Care for Children call on the Bulgarian government to prioritise investments in:
• developing targeted interventions towards preventing the separation of children from their families, including an assessment of their effectiveness and applicability to the Bulgarian context;
• developing and delivering social services for care-leavers;
targeted investment in human resources, especially in the medical field, in social services, and in early child development and care.

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