
Children's Rights: Political will or won't?

Eurochild 2023 report on children in need across Europe.

This report is based on assessments provided by 38 Eurochild members in 26 countries and provides recommendations for each country on how to address among others, child poverty and social exclusion, discrimination, health, online safety and early childhood services.

It also assesses whether the Child Guarantee National Action Plans align with the countries’ needs, the extent to which the European Semester 2023 Country Report and Recommendations are aligned to the lived experiences of children from a civil society perspective and provides an overview of the Countries in Accession’s priorities regarding the most pressing issues for children and their involvement in EU-funded projects.

The coming year offers another important window of opportunity to tackle inequalities in childhood. Our report highlights the future priorities that EU decision-makers and national governments can pursue to address the needs of the most vulnerable children.

“Looking at the most recent data on child poverty, it is positive that some countries across Europe are reducing the numbers of children living in poverty and social exclusion. However, for some others, numbers are still increasing. There is a clear need for policies and programmes to do much more to ensure children develop to their full potential. Eurochild members can be a key partner to ensure children’s rights are protected, respected and fulfilled across Europe” – H.E. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, Eurochild President

Our policy recommendations:

  • Put children’s rights at the heart of the political agenda
  • Invest in efficient data collection
  • Protect and support vulnerable children
  • Invest in prevention
  • Promote children’s well-being online and offline
  • Put children’s rights at the core of the European Semester Cycle
  • Recognise children as agents of change in their own right

Further readings

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