
Eurochild recommendations for inclusive and equitable education shared on Romania’s National Education Day

On 20 March 2024, Eurochild participated in the inaugural Romanian National Education Day at the European Parliament, co-organised by MEP Victor Negrescu and the Romanian Federation Coalition for Education.

As part of our work to create more inclusive and equitable education systems across Europe, Eurochild shared our recommendations as part of the roundtable, which brought together local, national, and European leaders and experts in education.

Our recommendations drew on Eurochild members’ perspectives contributed as part of Children’s Rights: Political Will or Won’t, Eurochild 2023 report on children in need across Europe, specifically on the topics of equity in education and children’s mental health:  

Participants in the debate included national stakeholders: local school leaders, national civil society organisations working on education in Romania, Romania’s Ministry of Education State Secretary Florian Lixandru; and European stakeholders: the LifeLong Learning Platform, lawmakers from the European Parliament – Germany’s MEP Katarina Barley, Austria’s MEP Hannes Heide, Portugal’s MEP João Albuquerque, and Romania’s MEP Iuliu Winkler, and representatives from the European Commission’s Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education, and Youth Iliana Ivanova, DG EAC’s Susanne Conze, and DG REFORM’s Raluca Painter.

Learn more about the participating national organisations who shared their perspectives on how to improve equity in Romania’s education system:

Further information:

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